Tuesday, December 20, 2011

5 more sleeps!

Well, this wee little blog has amassed 30 followers. AND, it's made $20 so far from you kind folks reading it (and the occasional click on an advertisement). I'm getting closer to that $100 payment threshold everyday, lol!

This morning I am assisting a family with transportation to the Western Fair District so that they can get their Christmas Hamper from Salvation Army. The first day of the program, the news report said that some folks were in line up to 4 hours before they received their hamper. I hope the wait is not as long today.

This afternoon, I will be driving to Windsor and back for work. I always feel sad for families who lose someone this time of year. I know how difficult it is to be missing a loved one during the holidays, and to lose one during the holidays must be especially difficult. If you are missing someone this year, my thoughts and prayers go out to you. May you find peace.

I spent most of Sunday night and Monday morning baking cookies. That's one more thing off my to-do list! I still have to make a batch of homemade Irish Cream, but that won't take too long. I have the ingredients already and as long as I don't taste test it too much, all should be good. I still have a batch of PB cookies to make as well.

Well, I'm off and running.
Have a great day!

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