Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sept. 19/12

Wow! I sure don't intend to stay away from blogging for so long, and before you know it, I've been away two weeks. I've read on a few other blogs that the writer just isn't as 'in to it' as they once were. I guess that describes me. I'm hoping that will change with the seasons, as I tend to stay in much more in the winter therefore giving me more time for blogging.

The repairs to the van were not that bad money-wise. I spent about $400 there for a rebuilt alternator and a new battery. The rental of a van for three days set me back a mere $180, which I think is reasonable.

I've been couponing and saving some money on groceries. I'm still throwing the odd change from my wallet into my savings jar as well. I'm knitting up a frickin storm over here too. Maybe I can post a few pics next week of what I've been working on.

I have some work to do today, submitting invoices and mileage and the like, so hopefully I will get some 'extra' pay next month. I'm planning on using the extras to beef up the Xmas fund and the Emergency fund.

I have a book review to write as well, so I'm off.

Have a fabulous day!


  1. Short and sweet, nice to check in on you! Hope this week goes smoothly!

  2. Nice to see you back, & what a relief that the van repairs were reasonable. Enjoy the weekend!
