Sunday, May 6, 2012


Sunday mornings I usually sleep in, thanks to an agreement that Hubby and I have. Saturdays are his turn, Sundays are mine. Yet here I am before 8 am on a Sunday morning, typing away on the computer. I usually make bread on Sundays also, but we have several loaves in the freezer, so I'm not going to make any today.I figured now would be a good time as any to let you all know what has been going on.

The past couple of weeks have been filled with lots of driving for work. I'm still working out the kinks on the mileage expense forms for work, but at least I will be reimbursed for all my driving and use of vehicle.

DD2 went to her first 'semi-formal' at school. She's in 7th grade. I don't ever remember having any occasions such as this when I was in 7th grade. That was however, such a long time ago. Lol! We went out shopping the night before and found her a black strapless dress with white polka dots. Upon closer inspection, the polka dots were not actually round, and were in fact, tiny skull printed on the dress. She loved it! A couple of well placed safety pins ensured it fit correctly and would not fall off (or could get pulled down) and causing her a great deal of embarrassment.

We went to Giant Tiger looking for some nice dressy sandals to go with the dress. We found some for $20 and while looking around, I spied a clearance rack with school supplies on it. Notebooks for 6 and 13 cents. Spiral bound notebooks for 13 cents. Packs of Sharpie mini markers for 25 cents. Mechanical pencil lead refills for 63 cents. Packs of regular pencils for 19 cents. It was a good haul, and I was able to get some of the things the kids will need in the fall for a fraction of the regular price.

I've been watching the grocery stores sales with a new intensity as we continue to tighten the belts on our budget. We have enough in our pantry and cupboard for a couple of weeks should be not be able to have any grocery money. I'm using coupons and price matching to reduce what I spend as much as possible. It's become a bit of a 'game' for me, to keep our costs as low as possible on that front.

We have a roof over our heads, food in the fridge and cupboard, bills are mostly paid, and we have gas in the car. For the most part, I am content with this. Our savings accounts are pitiful though. The next phase of our annual spending plan will start soon, and all of our savings accounts will get replenished or added to. The Emergency fund, the Christmas fund, the Vacation fund, RRSPs and RESPs will all get a boost in the next couple of months, should all go well with the contract renewal.

The big change will be with the contract renewal. It seems that something has changed with the way that they are reimbursed with charges for certain cases. I'm not really sure what that means yet for me, but I'm trying super hard not to worry about things that I have no control over. Worst case scenario, we aren't awarded the new contract and I will have to get full-time employment. That shouldn't be too hard, as I've been working on that for ages with the new company.

Today, Cub and I are going to be planting some stuff in our big pots. That should be fun. I know he'll end up getting covered in dirt! I was too late in requesting a plot in the community garden area that is across the street from us. I'll have to put my name on the waiting list. I won't be able to grow as much as I want again this year, but we will plant some stuff; lettuce, radishes and onions mostly. Maybe a pepper plant or two.

Well, the laundry is calling my name, and I know it won't walk itself down to the laundry room (although it could). Hope you are having a good weekend.


  1. Hope DD had a wonderful time at the dance.

    Have a productive day!

  2. Oh my, talking about school supplies already. And you're very right on that one! It's like shopping for Christmas in July. Awesome that you found such deals!
